Songwriter's Showcase

The Fan Page

To join a hundred aces fan page on Facebook, go here. To send me a message directly, please use the Facebook fan page, as the contact page may not be working properly. I'll put you on a mailing list, if you like, and send you a message when there's a show or anything you may be interested in. Don't worry. I won't bombard you with notices and alerts every five minutes.


Feedback is the newsletter I write. It contains news about a hundred aces, other bands and artists, recommended shows and music you might want to check out. Feel free to comment and suggest topics you'd like me to cover. I'll also review music, shows and gear as well as keep you up to date on any new projects I'm working on. Be sure to check it out.

Fan comments

I don't currently have a blog on this site, but feel free to send me your comments and I'll gladly post them on this page, if you'd like me to. They will look something like this:

"I caught your show the other night. Man, was I impressed. You have such command of your voice and an awesome stage presence."

See the show, it's a dynamo!

a hundred aces, well, Tom Folden, to be honest, will be performing at:

Coffee Klatch - 806 Arrow Hwy in San Dimas, CA.
It's a nice little coffee house off the 57 Fwy just north of the 10 Fwy and south of the 210 Fwy. I'm not currently booked there yet, but do play there regularly, so please check back. Shows there start at 7pm and last until 9pm. I'm looking forward to playing there again. Hope you can make it.

If you'd like to book me as entertainment for your event, as part of a large line-up, for more intimate settings or anything in between, please feel free to send me a message via the fan page on Facebook.